

[MDREX Newsletter] New Professional Joined! – Senior Advisor Euihyeong Byeon (Reimbursement Expert)

작성자 MDREX 날짜 2024-02-29 14:15:57 조회수 171

Recently, various medical device issues regarding medical device insurance, including digital health (e.g. value assessment of medical consumables, innovative medical technology assessment, nHTA and deferred assessment for nHTA, and temporary listing for reimbursement, etc.), have emerged as a concern for many medical device companies.

With this, we, MDREX, are glad to announce that a new Senior Advisor, Ms. Euihyeong Byeon, who developed and oversaw the relevant processes and policies at the HIRA, has joined MDREX. This enables us to advise on reimbursement-related concerns more in depth and more effectively.

She was in charge of health insurance registration from April 1989 to February 2024 with the following career path, and then finally becomes another valuable and professional senior advisor at MDREX as of March 1, 2024.


  • Deputy Director, Medical Practice Listing Division at HIRA
  • Director General, Benefits Listing Department at HIRA

(Benefits Listing Management, Medical Practice Listing, Digital Medical Technology Listing, Medical Practice Assessment, Medical Supply Listing)

  • Member of Various Professional Assessment Committees at HIRA and NECA including Value Assessment for Consumables and nHTA

If you need advice on reimbursement pricing and listing or its system, please contact MDREX ( at any time. MDREX is supporting medical device/digital health technology companies entering Korean market at a reasonable price.

Thank you